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Centrifugal fans
Series U/HC
Series U/AR
Series U/ARP
Series U/AP
Series U/RF
Series U/TM
Series U/DS
Series U/HF
Series U/CB
Series U/PB
Series U/PBM
Series U/MPR
Series U/APE
Series U/APR
Series U/APF
Series U/HPH
Series U/HPH

Axial Fans
Series U/EL
Series U/EP
Series U/EI

Roof Fans and Smoke Exhausters
Series U/ET
Series U/CT
Series U/AT
Ventilatori Assiali
Where we are

Series U/AR

Serie U/AR The U/AR series centrifugal fans are designed to convey both fumes and air, even slightly dusty, at  temperatures of up to a maximum 80°C. These fans are used for ventilation and conditioning, and generally when systems require high flow rates.
The steel sheet spiral casings are of adequately thickness and have been carefully rimmed and welded. These fans have a base for the motor and the discharge angle can be adjusted in 45° steps by rotating either clockwise RD or counter-clockwise LG (see discharge direction table).
The welded steel sheet impellers have high performance forward-curved blades. Each impeller has been perfectly balanced, both statically and dynamically, and is directly connected to the motor shaft.
The motors installed are asynchronous, three-phase or single-phase, B3, self-ventilated, with IP55 protection, designed for continuous service and are UNEL and IEC compliant.

RPrinlet protection net
GAintaking vibration-damping joint
RAintaking joint
RFinlet flanged fitting
CAinlet counter-flange
FLinlet filter
SAinlet silencer
SFthrottle valve
RMoutlet protection net
GMfeed vibration-damping joint
CMoutlet counter-flange
QToutlet square-round joint
SMoutlet silencer
TSdischarge plug
PIinspection door
AVvibration dampers

AImade of stainless steel AISI 304 to extract corrosive fumes
ASanti-spark version in accordance with ANIMA-COAER standards (table NV105)
HZmanufactured to work at Hz. 60
HTconveyed fluid temperature up to a maximum of 250°C (this version is made with longer shaft motor and extra cooling fan)
SBarrangement 5 with motor type B5 or B3/B5 without motor support base
THhigh protection for use in tropical climate with high degree of humidity
TRbelt drive, 9 or 12 arrangement

Models and performances     Overall dimensions